Ever wish you could just use your unique gifts to serve people, make your art, and the money would flow? 

Hey Coach, Healer, Artist, Founder, I see you. 

You love your work. You live for the breakthroughs and beauty you create in people’s lives. 

But the whole pricing, charging, organising your money doesn’t feel quite as sparkly. 

If the money was flowing, you would have built your empire, healed the world, and be celebrating with your besties by now. 

You know it, but here’s how money might feel right now: 

  • Money feels like an avoidant partner who’s hot and cold. Here and then gone.

  • Money trickles in, but not for the creative work that lights you up

  • You feel weird about money - aren’t Billionaires evil? But what about Rihanna, Beyonce and Oprah? They seem pretty cool.

  • You shame yourself for creating debt, and wish you could have made better money choices so you could have all the financial freedom. 

  • You’ve become cynical about money work because you’ve done it for so long and things seem to change at a glacial pace

  • You see people making hundreds of thousands of dollars every month, and wonder “how!? Just how are there people ready to pay you so much, and how do you have the energy to keep on serving? Don’t you need sleep?”

  • You are putting in a lot of hours, but it’s not translating to more money. “But I thought all I had to do was work hard!?”

And when you go to ask for a raise, market an offer, or file your taxes:

  • You go into one or all stress response.
  • Fight: you push it through so it’s done. Check it off the todo list!
  • Flight: You avoid and dance around the whole money thing
  • Freeze: Brain goes blank and you don’t know what to say
  • Faun: you just pick a price (when you buy and sell things) that will seem to make other people happy, but you haven’t REALLY checked in with what feels safe AND spacious to you


You’re smart. 

You got decent grades back in the day. 

People tell you all the time how your art or offers have changed their lives. 

So why does money feel heavy, and difficult, and awkward? There’s a mega disconnect.

Yes. There is. 

Let me break it down for you:

The reason why money feels ick is NOT because you are bad with money. It’s because you’ve been programmed by toxic patriarchal colonialism to have a messed up, repulsion and obsession with money. 

And, you’re not supposed to talk about money. 

For the same reasons you’re not supposed to talk about oppressive systems and racism. 

Systems of oppression REQUIRE denial, and shame in order to thrive. 

Who do you think benefits from stories like:

Sales people are sleazy
Classy people don’t talk about money
Mo money mo problems

How about the white wellness love and light idea that your ability to earn more money is directly attached to being “more spiritual” or “godly

Or the exact opposite: “Real artists, and true healers don’t ask for money.”

I even take some issue with the phrase: “Do what you love and the money will follow.” It’s true. 

But it’s out of context and missing the whole “learn how to be in a conscious, loving relationship with your money. 

How many famous musician millionaires went bankrupt from getting into bad contracts, or not properly filing their taxes, and then going bankrupt? 

MC Hammer
Billie Joel
Willie Nelson
Toni Braxton
To name a few

They did what they loved. The money followed. And then it left.

And HEY, there’s NOTHING WRONG with going bankrupt. Many successful entrepreneurs have filed bankruptcy at least once. I’ve thought about filing bankruptcy before. Honestly, I might. Life is unpredictable. 

The point I’m making is that “just doing what you love and letting the money follow” isn’t the whole picture. And who are being and how you are talking to yourself amidst the ebbs and flows of money is so important.

Healing your money trauma, and making regular “money dates” to get a really clear picture of the money you’re receiving, and where you’re spending and investing is a huge piece. 

I used to feel so much fear and anxiety looking at my finances. 

Bookkeeping, calling the government, or banks would inevitably make me collapse into a pile of tears even when logically nothing was wrong. But my unhealed money trauma put my brain into a stress response every time. 

Today, I LOVE creating money dates. 

I’m still a paradoxical flawed human, who is still healing her relationship with money. I’ve had a few six figure years (which I’m SO damn proud of!), racked up debt (that I'm still lovingly paying off!).  I haven’t made a million dollars… yet.

BUT the amount of life force, confidence, joy, growth and healing I’ve experienced from doing money healing work, and creating rituals with my money management has blown me away. 

I literally cannot keep this work to myself.

Because I want all humans (especially women and non-binary folk and people of colour) rising in their financial power. 

(And I want straight white men ALSO healing their relationship because being in a state of greed and hoarding also does not feel good or help the world. And I’m not saying “all white men” so don’t @ me!)

So we are going to turn all that money toxic BS on its head and normalize talking about MONEY. 

And that is going to involve healing money trauma, lived money trauma and ancestral money trauma. 

This might sound heavy, but I promise Wealth DELIGHT is a gentle program. 

I’m an HSP (highly sensitive person) so I purposefully create the environment to gently grow your capacity to receive by going into your growth zone, and not into your panic zone. 

It is possible to receive, hold and spend more money feel calm, confident, and curious. All you have to do is:

  • Increase your nervous system capacity to receive
  • Uncouple your self-worth with you net-worth aka heal money trauma
  • Practice regular money rituals

That’s it. 

The practices are simple. They just require repetition (hello PRACTICE!)

Neurologically normalizing them with my coaching and within a community of humans all healing their money trauma and growing their capacity to receive, hold and spend is where the juice is. 

Wealth DELIGHT is purposefully designed as a community. 

Because you can learn the things in money books (And I LOVE money books!) but HEALING HAPPENS IN COMMUNITY. 

For $90USD, this is a no brainer!

You get: 

  • Lifetime access to bite-sized videos

  • A supportive Facebook community 

  • Three weekly sessions of LIVE small-group coaching and 21 days of group whatsapp support (10 people at a time)

What are you waiting for? 

Group opens Tuesday March 28th 2023

All amounts are in USD

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