Phoenix Rising

There’s a REALLY good chance you are walking around with unprocessed grief.
Almost everything in life is impermanent, so you are likely grieving the loss of something!
Walking around with unprocessed grief is exhausting.
Grief is a normal response to a loss. Any loss. Not only death.
Symptoms include:
  • Lowered sleep quality
  • Ruminating
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Shortness of breath
  • Brain fog
  • Isolating yourself from social activities 
Western society doesn’t understand, let alone embrace grief (Notice our obsession with youth!).
So often, you end up grieving alone.
You might be grieving:
  • A person you love
  • A career change (even if you wanted it!)
  • A goal you didn’t reach
  • A relationship that ended
  • Wishing you would have handled something differently
  • Moving to a new country
  • A big change in lifestyle (like getting married, divorced, leaving your career, a spouse getting sober, having a kid) even if these were all things you wanted.
Unfortunately, to be human is to experience grief at some point.
And a way to reconnect to your deepest values, and re-create your identity as you embark on a new life.
Often, a loss or big change starts your own hero’s journey.
Enter Phoenix Rising.
Your roadmap and community to process and transmute grief with gentle loving compassion, and loud wild cathartic practices.
Whether a love one died, you had a break up, a business fail, or a client is ghosting you, the four tasks of mourning apply:
1. Accept the reality of the loss
2. Feel the pain
3. Adapt to a new reality (often one you intentionally didn’t choose)
4. Embark on a new life while keeping a connection to who or what is gone

Actually going through this process can feel pretty awkward at first because you have been brainwashed that being someone who is successful involves constantly feeling “high vibes!”
But that cuts out so much of the rich depth of being human.
I’m here to be your Phoenix Rising guide.
Phoenix Rising isn’t about telling you how to get over your grief, and be a smiley robot. 
It’s about deeply honouring what you need to process grief.
And giving you rituals to be with pain, and principles to create deeply rooted transformation.
So no matter what happens around you, you trust yourself, and your inner wisdom to guide you through it. One step at a time.
There are five parts to Phoenix Rising:
1. How grief, loss, and change affects your unique brain and nervous system and how to take care of your nervous system so you trust yourself and feel safe with you, no matter what happens around you
2. Understanding how to reach goals by gently stretching beyond your comfort zone into your growth zone NOT pushing yourself into your panic zone. By going more slowly, your brain can gently grow it’s capacity and you can create results more smoothly with less drama and struggle
3. A simple but powerful 30 mins somatic Grief Ritual to process the emotion and pain in your body
4. Understanding what created your sense of identity, and how you can recreate your identity over and over so you feel confident and powerful no matter what happens around you
5. Re-instilling your confidence to make swift decisions. 

Bring all of you! No bypassing, or subscribing to what western patriarchal colonial culture labels as a “professional successful person”
In Phoenix Rising, you have full permission to be a messy, imperfect human being!
Celebrating all of you, including the parts of you that are “too much” or “a petty immature bitch” or “a super high strung tight ass” or a “super lazy slug”.
9+ bite-size videos
Private Facebook group
Live grief somatic practice + sharing circle every quarter as the seasons change.
You get to stay in the community and keep all assets that get created in the future… forever.
I’m Jennifer Kruidbos, a transformational grief, money, and business coach, for coaches, creatives, and entrepreneurs, host of the Wealth Delight Podcast.
When I was 17 years old, my dad, who I was very close to, got a cough, and then three weeks later died of lung cancer. Two days before Christmas.
My family was shattered by grief. My mum fell into a depression, and my brother turned to drugs. My boyfriend at the time broke up with me. The grief counsellor I was given was a stiff white haired woman who constantly asked me if I was going to kill myself, which made me feel worse.
I felt so alone.
My dad’s best friend offered me support then tried to sexually assault me.
He kept getting invited over for dinner even after I told my family what had happened.
At that point the pain of grief, and betrayal was too intense to feel, so I distracted myself with partying, bingeing and purging, excelling in school, and socialising for about ten years to avoid feeling.
That eventually lead to a full on burnout and depression where I could not get out of bed for 3 months.
Finally, I found an amazing therapist, coaches, and a grief and somatic healing community.
Soon after my life became so much better.
I called in the love of my life, we got married, and followed our dream to live in Central America, New York, Europe, and pursue our passion businesses.
Most importantly, I feel safe and at home in my own body and life.
I created Phoenix Rising because I want people to feel seen, heard, supported, and hopeful in their grief. No matter what life throws at them.
Phoenix Rising is not a “nice to have” 
It is necessary to fully experience life.
Since I choose to play big on the court of life, I experience loss and dissapointment all the time. 
But luckily, thanks to the practices in Phoenix Rising, I can keep getting up, no matter how many times I get knocked down.
Phoenix Rising will affect your relationship with yourself, your people, your vocation, life purpose, ability to authentically express yourself, lead yourself, and decide who TF you are
Every. Single. Day.
Phoenix Rising anchors in your sense of self-worth which has a positive impact on your relationship with money. (I started earning more once I was able to deeply love and accept myself through the pain of grief.)

But more importantly, it sets the foundation for you to live life according to your values. 
Phoenix Rising is there for you to return to again and again as inevitable change and loss happens that is beyond your control. 
It won’t take away the impermanence of all things, but it will give your strength, love, and skills to meet life feeling safe, confident and hopeful. 
You might be wondering: 

Is Phoenix Rising right for me if I’ve just experienced a death of a loved one within the last three months: 
Yes, and if you have experienced a major loss or death in the last 3-6 months, I would also work with a licensed therapist or grief counsellor to compliment the work we do in Phoenix Rising.
My top suggestions:

What happens once I sign up?
You will get an email with the videos you can dive into.
You will get the link to join the Facebook group.
You get an invite to our seasonal somatic practice + sharing circle on zoom.
Enjoy the program for life!
There is so much good, and any starting place is magic.
Start today.
I’ll see you on the other side.
Love you, for realsies

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